I’m all about simple and delicious food that is homemade and healthy. However, like just about every person in the world, I’m busy! I need a shortcut now and then. So, when I was at my local health food store, and the clerk was raving about a couple of the brownie mixes, I decided it was high time that I take on the arduous task of taste testing gluten free brownie mixes and reviewing them for you. Poor me! Oh the pain and torture of taste testing brownies!
In this video I talk about what to look for when choosing a gluten free brownie mix, specifically which ingredients to steer clear of and which to embrace. As well as, which mix I preferred, and why. Although I tested both mixes using an egg, both can be made using an egg replacer (the recipe on the back of the box tells what works best) and therefore, are gluten free, vegan, and vegetarian.
Be sure to let me know what you think of the bloopers at the beginning of my Gluten Free Brownie Mix Review video, so we know whether to include them in future videos!
You can purchase Living Now Brownie Mix for the best price here. Please keep in mind that Amazon was selling this brownie mix for $10 at the time of writing this article and it is less than half of that price at Vitamin Life. (I have NO affiliation with Vitamin Life, but I do shop there!)