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Paleo Peach Pie Smoothie Recipe

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

Luscious and flavorful peaches are in season right now and what says summer more than peach pie? Since we’ve only got a couple of weeks left of summer, I bought a couple of boxes from a local farmer and I’ve been busy dehydrating summer, ahem, I mean peaches in the form of fruit roll-ups. I also peel and slice peaches to freeze for smoothies and crisps that I’ll make for dessert on special occasions throughout the winter. 

Since pie is so much work, and not the most protein rich breakfast, I like to make myself a peach pie smoothie for breakfast. I’ve added quite a few different options, depending on whether or not you eat dairy, or are a fan of protein powders. Here’s the recipe!

Peach Pie Smoothie


  1. 1 ripe *peach, pit removed

  2. ¼ cup cooked sweet potato or pumpkin

  3. ½ frozen banana

  4. 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

  5. (alternately you can use plain protein powder, or 2 Tbs. soaked **raw cashews and add ¼ tsp green stevia powder)

  6. ½ cup coconut milk, raw milk, or milk of choice

  7. ¼ cup cottage cheese (this can be omitted if you are dairy free)

  8. 1 cup ice


  1. Add ingredients to a high powered blender such as a Vitamix or Nutri Bullet, and process until smooth. If necessary, add a bit of water or more coconut milk until you reach the consistency you desire. Enjoy!


*You can leave the skin on the peach, or remove, it's up to you. **If using cashews, soak 1-6 hours (you can soak overnight, just refrigerate so it doesn't become slimy) in a solution of 1 cup of water with 1 tsp. sea salt. Rinse, and use in recipe (no need to dehydrate).

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